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    Quotes from Fedi

    "but above all else, to thine own self be true"

    "Asahi inspired me to break free from corporate pressure"

    "Asahi is truly the cutest enby on the Fedi"

    "wow another asahi account. must follow"

    "asahi reminded me that people are human"

    "Holy hell! People are actually that horny? I thought they were joking."

    "only a true Yaseenist will put [Yaseenist] in their usernyame for the next five day and night cycles."

    "if any wotc staff see this: you’re a bitch"

    "the only thing that asahi is more than being gay is being cool"

    "Asahi's fedi stats: 482 followers, 5637 notes, ℵ₀ accounts"

    "Oh hell naw, another Asahi's alt!"